DC Mayor Bowser Joins Redbrick LMD for Whitman-Walker Groundbreaking at St. Elizabeths East
Celebration highlights Redbrick LMD’s commitment to equitable development that promotes economic opportunity and creates jobs for District residents
The Bridge District
(for illustrative purposes only)
The Bridge District
(for illustrative purposes only)
What is Different About
Washington DC Today?
Prioritizing Sustainability
at Redbrick
The Culture
at Redbrick
Why I Joined
Redbrick’s Development
at St. Elizabeths East
The Bridge District
Architectural Rendering
of the Bridge District Vision
Redbrick’s Commitment
to the Community
Celebration highlights Redbrick LMD’s commitment to equitable development that promotes economic opportunity and creates jobs for District residents
Financing supports construction of The Douglass, the first multifamily development at the Bridge District
What Differentiates Redbrick’s Investment and Development Approach?
Vertical integration, capital sourcing, and developing at large scale and in the long term, provide advantages.
What is Different About Washington, DC Today?
The nation’s center of government is experiencing transformative change
and is poised for growth.
Prioritizing Sustainability at Redbrick
Sustainable development is fundamental to Redbrick’s approach.